Thursday, February 21, 2013

Life Drawing

I thought I would go a whole lot of different with some ink and water this life drawing class. Here are the originals, the ones on the right have a little bit a camera trickery to them. The drawings aren't great but I am going to stick with it and see what happens when I get a bit more familiar with the materials.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Life Drawing

1,2 & 3 minute gesture drawings

First life drawing class of 2013.

Barcelona-Quick Trip

Gaudi inspired Street Lamp

Fruit and Veg Market off Las Ramblas

I recently been to visit Barcelona. Unfortunately it was just a really quick stop but I managed to get a few nice pictures, mainly of brightly coloured fruit and veg and chocolate. I like the contrast of colour between the market and the almost dusty coloured streets!!! I could have spent another week there taking pictures of Lamps....

Eh...I'm Serious!