Thursday, August 05, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday

I am pretty sure it is not exactly on the date but near enough, for the 10 year celebrations of Bouldermedia Animation Studios....Yeahy....whissly, whistle!!! I have been with Boulder 9 of those 10 years and jaysus how time flys. We have a handful of the original crew left Boss Rob Cullen, Paul O'Flanagan, Dave O'Sullivan and Stephen McGann and a good few very talented newbies and not so newbies. Here's to another 10 productive, creative and hair greying years!!!
To think I couldn't even use a computer when I started, Yikes!
We have moved to 6 different offices, travelled to the Emmys in L.A, numerous babies have been born, about a half dozen marraiges and a band was born all in my time here at Boulder. Not to mention all the AMAZING shows we have worked on. Well done Boulder.
and here is some of the crew, hahaha, yiz thought yiz were getting away with it...


paul o'flanagan said...

In my first week, I had to ask Jeremy 'How do I a file onto a floppy'!

Gillian Comerford said...

And look at you now Paul...3D/2D pro!

justdoodleit said...

Bouldermedia - Keep Rocking!
Pun unintended ;)
Cute sketch too!